
It's psychology (Destiny)

by Durandal, Thursday, October 15, 2015, 12:25 (3423 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

are willing to cheat to win at a videogame.

Yeah, I saw a guy doing it on my team and he was TERRIBLE. I doubled his scored without cheating. And I still wished and said out loud that he gets banned.

It's easy to assume that the people beating you are cheating, especially given the lag compensation on the kill cam making it look like you got shot from around a corner, or that your weapon fired for no effect while their shotgun killed from a mile away.

I have a group of people that only get to game for a few hours once a month, and they like to play PVP when they do get on. They are somewhat unskilled, due to lack of practice, and know it, but even then they will quit in disgust when they think the other team is cheating.

It is a small step to go from that to abusing any and all exploits, and thinking that it is ok because everyone is doing it.

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