
They've said that? (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, October 15, 2015, 16:36 (3423 days ago) @ someotherguy

network manipulation is the only known reason of cracking down on "cheating" that I'm aware of. (Also here)

Even AFKers weren't labeled as cheaters, just bad citizens who got warnings.

Pushing atheon off a ledge was an exploit/cheese.
Shooting the nexus mind via glitching through the wall for nightfalls was an exploit/cheese.
Hiding under the platform for winter's run was an exploit/cheese.
Sword jumping across the chasm in crota was an exploit/cheese, as was making everything despawn then completing it. Among other things.

What about final round snipers in trials? Sucks, yes, bad sportsmanship, yes, but is it cheating?

All of these things were corrected by bungie and not labelled as cheating. I think there are a few things in PvP like this as well, but I'm not as avid of a PvPer, so I'd have a harder time to compile a list. Besides, I'm out of time. =)

Cheating != bad sportsmanship. Cheating != exploits. Cheating is breaking the rules. This is working around them. It's still a dick move, and I don't do it nor would I condone it.

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