
They've said that? (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, October 15, 2015, 17:20 (3423 days ago) @ slycrel

Um, those afkers got restricted and Bungie was open to permanently banning them if they kept it up:

This week, we've restricted a small number of the most toxic players from matchmaking. The restrictions we're putting on their accounts are temporary and apply only to the activities where they were chronically idle. If the affected players keep up this behavior after the restrictions lapse, we will apply stronger and (eventually) permanent restrictions on their accounts.

How about simply inspecting players and then backing out? Two things that are intentionally supported by the game? Individually, and in moderation they are harmless. Combine them to the detriment of others and Bungie is open to temporary restrictions:

We've seen you backing out of matches on final approach in your ships because you saw formidable opponents on the other team. That tactic could earn you a restriction from future Trials of Osiris events. Please stick it out and fight - even if you know you're about to be visited by tourists from the Lighthouse.

So, players have been held accountable for far less than exploting button glitches. Bungie recognizes that players need to be held responsible for certain things, even things that don't normally break any rules or require the slightest exploit and we should recognize it too.

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