
Perhaps Titans can learn to play (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, December 04, 2015, 16:43 (3307 days ago) @ Durandal
edited by MacAddictXIV, Friday, December 04, 2015, 17:14

First of all, this title is just down right offensive. I have played Titans since the beginning, and I'm not that great at PvP, but there is no reason to bash on Titan players because one of their supers is slightly overpowered.

From a PVP perspective hammer of sol outclasses every other super in the game by a fair margin. In PVE, why would you ever choose golden gun, nova bomb, fist or arc blade over hammers?

I would use Golden gun because I'm pretty sure I would actually get more kills with it. The key reason is because it's more silent than Hammer. Also, Nova bomb and Fist because they both can kill a hammer.

[Edit] Sorry, I thought you said PvP in your second sentence. In that case I would say that I think most of those have better orb generation. Otherwise hammer is great in PvE :-)

The only downside to Solar titans is their relatively short ranged punch.

Also, their melee abilities in general.

This is a situation that cannot continue if you want meaningful contributions from other classes.

Welcome to the life of a titan before TTK.

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