lol get your game up (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, December 04, 2015, 16:55 (3307 days ago) @ Durandal

From a PVP perspective hammer of sol outclasses every other super in the game by a fair margin. In PVE, why would you ever choose golden gun, nova bomb, fist or arc blade over hammers?

I'mma start this by saying that I've never played more than one character, and that character has been a Titan from day one of Destiny. Before I had my solardoomhammer class, I was stomping people into oblivion as a Titan constantly. It's about time the Titans were given something that could handle the obnoxiousness of bladedancers. Warlock melees in general are also pretty jacked as far as range and overshielding abilities go. All this crying about hammers is sad.

The only downside to Solar titans is their relatively short ranged punch.

This is a situation that cannot continue if you want meaningful contributions from other classes.

So much salt. Do you play Trials? Shadowshot people shut down my hammer in about two seconds, and then their buddies proceed to waste us with whatever they have. Regular Crucible? I'm generally the only person in my crew or at any given time with randoms who runs the hammer. Meanwhile, it seems like 2-3 hammers pop on the other team back-to-back-to-back, and we still end up beating them. Use your own supers strategically, and get your BR up? :D

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