I've played everything (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, December 04, 2015, 18:00 (3307 days ago) @ Durandal

Did I strike a nerve by telling the person who told all Titans to lern2plehgud that they should get gud themselves?

I don't personally have a Warlock or a Hunter. I've played both. The rampages I've gone on with those characters are hilarious. Granted, I also go on rampages with my Titan, so maybe it's just my own level of skill and not the supers! Getting a hammer finally evened out the scales a bit for Titans when dealing with the likes of Bladedancers and that cheap golden gun. Either way, when I get beat by someone with a hammer or any other type of class and super, I don't go making excuses about how they're bad or how they need to get good and learn to play. I go out there and stomp them into the ground with actual skill.

If you're telling me that Titans with hammers are causing you to lose games endlessly, maybe you need to find better skill for yourself, better teammates, or a different gametype.

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