
Perhaps Titans can learn to play (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, December 04, 2015, 16:52 (3328 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

From a PVP perspective hammer of sol outclasses every other super in the game by a fair margin. In PVE, why would you ever choose golden gun, nova bomb, fist or arc blade over hammers?
This is a situation that cannot continue if you want meaningful contributions from other classes.

Welcome to the life of a titan before TTK.

This. Pre TTK I would reliably get around 0.75 better KDR with my Hunter than my Titan, about 0.3 better KDR with my Warlock than my Titan. I main a Titan in PvE, but I've left my first love & moved over to a Hunter in PvP because they just plain out class the Titans there, all except for the super which is just one piece of a class that's typically only used a couple times in a match.

Yes, the hammer is OP, but IMHO absolutely everything else regarding a Titan in PvP is under powered. I'm excited and scared to see what Bungie will be doing to Titans.

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