That's adorable (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Saturday, December 05, 2015, 01:24 (3306 days ago) @ Durandal

You can assume all you want about my skill. Bungie's data doesn't support your opinions.

What opinions did I state at all involving numbers? Hell, in the actual thread about the changes, I even agreed with Ragashingo that the changes are all well and good. I never claimed that Sunbreakers weren't OP. I even called the golden gun cheap as hell because, gasp, it, too, is OP! Don't care. I adapt. I survive. I win.

I only took issue with the fact that you seem to think that Titans don't know how to play and are somehow reliant upon being Sunbreakers. I, as a Titan, am damn good at this game with or without my hammer. I'm damn good at this game even when Bungie flips the car 20 times with every horrible weapon nerf. I adapt to whatever weapons, damage changes, or anything else Bungie throws at me with actual skill and gameplay prowess in Destiny. And Bungie's data, and their changes, were justified. Your entire premise about the people who play as Titans is the only thing that's bullshit. Get your BR up.

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