
Perhaps Titans can learn to play (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, December 04, 2015, 18:13 (3307 days ago) @ dogcow

I'm excited and scared to see what Bungie will be doing to Titans.

Very much this. I actually do well with my Defender in both PvP and PvE. Really well for PvE, even. But for the Crucible I think of all Titans as a gun platform with zero abilities or advantages. My shooting has to be spot on because I don't get fancy auto targeting grenades or special abilities and I sure as heck am not going to try and punch an enemy because as a Striker my melee is canceled by so many other classes shields, as a Sunbreaker my burn damaged is negated by the range of Hunters and Warlocks, and as a Defender even if I punch first and win by punching 3rd I only get like 25% shield boost while having already taken 50-75% damage from the enemy melee. I did not even consider Force Barrier a PvP ability until the Y2 No Backup Plans...

My dream updates for Titan melds would be:

Striker's charged Stormfist is a one hit kill to unshielded low and medium armor enemies.
Defender's Force Barrier activates briefly (just for one second) upon a charged melee hit (and would grant things like fast reloading via war machine during that time allowing for interesting strategyerying)
Sunbreaker charged melee only activates on 2nd punch (within a shortish window) meaning if you start and then win a melee battle in PvP you get your health regen / recharged melee from the kill instead of it being wasted.

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