Search results for tag 'Toy'
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McFarlane Toys - Toy Fair Booth Visit and Interview Notes

Unoudid stopped by with a lot of great info regarding McFarlane's upcoming line of Destiny products (shown off at the NY
Toy Fair). While we should keep in mind that these are prototypes that are subject to change, it's tough to keep from getting excited about the details in everything from Lord Saladin to the life-sized (and surprisingly affordable) Iron Gjallarhorn.
Be sure to read the post (some real great insight from his talk with McFarlane's own Destiny brand manager) and then check out the photo album as well for some great shots. Thanks, Unoudid!
Edit: Unoudid also linked us to photos of Mattel's Mega Construx Destiny figures. Cabal fans should be pretty happy with that Goliath Tank!
Korny | Feb 20, 2017 08:05 am |
Destiny Action Figures
DeDerga let us know that ThreeA, one of the companies who has made Halo Action Figures in the past, just announced 1/6 scale Destiny Action Figures! No details at all so far. I'm personally curious about how customizable they'll be given the nature of Destiny.

Xenos | Aug 25, 2014 11:50 am |
Fan-Built Skill Calculator

Over on reddit, user birkholz
built a Skill Calculator for the three classes, based on what he could see in the Alpha. It seems to be finished (except for maybe the graphics) - you can play with it
here. Pretty useful for folks checking out the options - and it'll be fun to use it to compare how things change in the Beta and beyond!
Claude Errera | Jun 16, 2014 06:14 pm |