Search results for tag 'lightfall'
Showing results 1 - 9 of 9 matches
Reflecting on Lightfall: Launch and Beyond

A new article on Bungie is breaking down data and goals post-launch for Lightfall. Topics include Guardian Ranking systems, difficulty adjustments in free-world and objectives, and plenty of fine tuning adjustments.
Go read it!
ManKitten | Apr 6, 2023 06:42 am |
The Art of Lightfall

Bungie released a new video featuring different artists discussing the art creation of Lightfall. Go treat your eyeballs!
ManKitten | Mar 15, 2023 06:02 am |
Lightfall Launch Trailer

The Lightfall Launch Trailer is out...and...oof. Things don't look good for humanity. Click the banner, watch and discuss.
ManKitten | Feb 23, 2023 03:00 pm |
Strand: Developer Insights Video

A new (not titled as, but kinda is) ViDoc is up featuring Bungie devs discussing Strand, how/why it was created and why it's rad. Follow the banner above to view it on our forum then talk about it.
ManKitten | Feb 23, 2023 06:46 am |
Lightfall and the Year Ahead

There's a big write-up on Bungie from Joe Blackburn discussing the upcoming Lightfall expansion and what all is in store for the future. Lots of changes coming including engram population, weapon crafting updates, guardian and enemy power adjustments, Crucible updates, exotic mission talk, strike talk, the new PvP commendation system, and more. Click the banner to read it on Bungie, then
discuss it in our forums.
ManKitten | Feb 13, 2023 11:20 am |
Changes to Abilities Incoming

The coming of Lightfall will bring with it some changes to abilities. A lot of little details are covered so just go read it!
Then come back and talk about it.
ManKitten | Feb 8, 2023 11:15 am |
Strand Trailer

A new trailer has dropped showing off the new Strand subclass. Click the banner to check it out.
ManKitten | Feb 7, 2023 12:52 pm |
TWAB 2-2-23

This Week at Bungie recaps the recent gear video and dives a little deeper into some new weapons. If you love blue engrams, you might be a little sad. Learn a bit about the "Black At Bungie" Inclusion Club. Place a vote for the next Trials of Osiris map. Player support and community submissions. All that and more!! Click
HERE to read it at Bungie or click the banner above to view it in the DBO archives.
ManKitten | Feb 2, 2023 12:55 pm |
The Annual Post - LIGHTFALL!
With Lightfall just around the corner, the hype train is building pressure. The past few months have seen the release of some trailers to put in front of your eyeballs. Links in the banners below.

This should catch you up on the past dozen months or so :)
ManKitten | Jan 31, 2023 02:18 pm |