
Environments vs Destiny's (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, May 13, 2016, 17:09 (2913 days ago) @ cheapLEY

After finishing Uncharted 4, the thing that stood out to me was how ALIVE the environments felt. More specifically, they felt like they used to be alive. Walking through Libertalia I absolutely got the sense that actual people lived there, and that it thrived in its day. You could see and feel the history.

But now I think about Destiny, and how Venus and Mars were supposed hotspots of the golden age, yet neither feel remotely like you can sense any past human presence. None. The past feels very 'dead' because of the Destiny environments. There's not much sense of human habitation, or a glimpse of what life was like. This is in huge contrast to Uncharted. And we are even searching for golden age relics!

I simply can't look at Destiny the same way anymore, and I hope we will be treated to some of that much needed life in beautiful environments designed only for current gen in Destiny 2 (or is it Des2ny?)

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