
Think I'm done. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, October 16, 2017, 21:58 (2396 days ago) @ BeardFade

I'm sorry to see you go, but I hear you on the issues with PvP. It's a slower, more deliberate, and less-able-to-do-something-cool game than D1. And yes, hunters are brutally underpowered in PvP. I played my warlock in blue gear for a while in IB this week and had a ka/d 1.5 higher than on my hunter who I play almost every day.

For a change of pace, and a really fun pvp experience, might I suggest Fortnite? It's a 100 person free for all on a map about a square mile (or more) in size that continually shrinks to drive players together. I've never had more fun being completely terrible at a game. Also, despite needing to match 100 players, it matches more quickly that Destiny matches 8.

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