
Think I'm done. (Destiny)

by Durandal, Tuesday, October 17, 2017, 05:34 (2395 days ago) @ Grizzlei

[*] If you use a hunter in PvP, you're stupid, too. I currently cannot get my recovery above 2. You can't do crap if you're stuck waiting for 10 seconds to get your health back. Thank you Bungie for making my favorite class, which was already weak as f*&%, the most pointless class in the game.

I usually sit around Recovery 3 and constantly have to press forward on my attack lest I disengage entirely. PvP as a Hunter is a pain in the ass but I’ve found it to be a very effective platform when paired with decent wesponry, preferably pulse rifles with high RPM and submachine guns. Regularly I’ve carried teams and placed at the top of the match scoreboard, often with a decent K/D to boot. What guns were you running?

I'm running 8/5/3. The key is MIDA+StompEE5+run boost from lower arc strider tree. This makes you exceptionally fast. If I don't get the first shot I disengage and run elsewhere. I can out run strikers and stormcallers supers.

The downside compared to my 1/8/5 Titan is that I have trouble with 1:1 straight up firefights. I really need to bounce around and make people miss to get the kill. Titans have it far easier because I can straight up just out shoot my opponent. This really reminds me of D1's initial crucible mode, where Suros toting Strikers were king. If anything panic smash is worse now that they can miss and turn around and chase you.

I agree I'd like to see some changes to Hunters to even things out. The Arc super is the easiest for other players to avoid or counter, and has minimal reward. The grenade choices are lack luster, and the melee ability flat out doesn't work in PVP.

But this game is mostly long range right now. Side Arms/Submachineguns make getting in close very dangerous. In this arena you can use mobility to get on the sides and flank.

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