Concurred, however (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Friday, August 21, 2015, 15:39 (3193 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Why should a class of weapons that does NOT affect how others play the game be nerfed because one player (or one class of player) suggests that they can't stop themselves from using it if it's around?

If I am understanding you correctly, you're basically saying why should we nerf guns in a PVE sense, because other players don't have them?

I mostly agree with this. However, One problem I had before my DBO days was getting into Raids. Mostly due to the fact that you had to go to LFG sites which is less than desirable. But for the most part when Crota came out, every post for a Crota group had "must have Max Gjallerhorn" in the post. Which was very disheartening for everyone that did not have it. So in some cases this does affect how others play. Of course now I, and most of you on the forums, dont have to worry about LFG sites =]

But yes I mostly agree with this.

Edit: This is just a thought, I know this doesnt really apply to Elemental Primaries, but just weapons in general. Please forgive me.

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