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Doing It Live

The Destiny twitter feed announced that a live action/CG trailer for Destiny will be aired this Thursday - exciting! The tweet includes a mysterious picture with the words "Law of the Jungle", I wonder what it means. Thanks, Chewbaccawakka.

colindosaj | May 21, 2013 04:50 pm | link

Guardian Radio Episode 13

g_o_d.jpgThe Guardians of Destiny have posted Guardian Radio Episode 13 - their guest this week is Chance King (@DestinyDispatch on Twitter), and the discussion runs the gamut from recent Mail Sack happenings to community input to speculation about today's Xbox One reveal (this was obviously recorded before today). Two hours of crazy talk - go listen! (Thanks, roland.)

Claude Errera | May 21, 2013 02:40 pm | link Community Focus: Destiny News

Destiny News is the center of this week's Community Focus at - go check out what Tim (aka Sam Hawks) has to say about why he started up a Destiny news site, and what he hopes to see in the near future! (And definitely check out the site, if you haven't. Lots of good stuff there.)

Claude Errera | May 21, 2013 02:04 pm | link

One Destiny

hope.pngWith the recent unveiling of the new Xbox One console from Microsoft, Bungie confirmed that Destiny will indeed be launching on four platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, and PS3. Not surprising, but still great to hear confirmed!

GrimBrother One | May 21, 2013 11:09 am | link

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