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Wake Up Your Ears

The 5th day of Bungie Week brings us musical tidings from the Bungie Maestros! This new piece, Awakening, was featured at the rotunda theater at the E3 expo a few weeks ago, but now it's available for everyone to enjoy as part of this year's extended Bungie Day celebration. Be sure to give it a listen and then sound off in our forums!
Beorn | Jul 6, 2013 06:15 pm | link

The Fan Art Continues

We've been woefully behind on Destiny fan art coverage (our gallery has been in the works for literally MONTHS), but there are a couple that showed up recently that you should take a look at. Over at, Progo (who goes by Chrysoskies on DeviantART), pointed out his Destiny Devil Walker - pretty interesting style! While on our very own forum, Biwald unveiled his image, 'The Guardians' - inspired by a Jaime Jones concept piece, it's a really slick interpretation of a hunting Guardian! Check 'em both out.

TAGS: fanart
Claude Errera | Jul 6, 2013 06:38 am | link

Edge Teases Planets

edge.pngLooks like the cover to Edge's August issue is going to focus on Destiny - electricpirate pointed out a teaser pic, and kapowaz added some info (if you thought electricpirate was wrong, and it WAS a moon, kapowaz described the iPad version of the teaser as having that sphere settling slowly towards Earth). I wonder what new info they'll have for us?

TAGS: edge, cover
Claude Errera | Jul 6, 2013 06:13 am | link

How's free for you?

If $35 (after the Bungie Day discount) is still too steep for you for the new Destiny Banners at the Bungie Store, a couple of websites are giving some away. IGN UK wants you to tweet their name (you must be a resident of the UK to be eligible), while VG24/7 just wants to know which one you're looking for. Okay, true, your chances aren't great... but hey, free is better than not free!

TAGS: free, banners
Claude Errera | Jul 6, 2013 06:02 am | link

RUL Destiny News 7.6.13

Greenskull sent word of his latest Destiny News video - he recaps the latest mail sacks and gives the lowdown on Bungie week. 

colindosaj | Jul 6, 2013 04:51 am | link

Uncovering the Past

boushh.pngRagashingo decided to do a frame by frame analysis of the Destiny E3 demo - he provides a great deal of interesting speculation regarding story and gameplay. Join in on the conversation!

colindosaj | Jul 6, 2013 04:41 am | link

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