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"There Be (Space) Dragons"

Well I'm not sure that exact phrase will be on it , but Bungie's confirmed some form of map in Destiny:

"Planning" could imply just a traditional use of a map, or it could mean interactivity, like customizable waypoints a la ODST. Perhaps more? Go discuss/speculate in our forum.

Leviathan | Mar 4, 2014 03:47 pm | link

Community Game Night 3/6/2014

doom.pngXenos is looking to assemble some Bungie-lovers this Thursday on Halo 3 ("Arguably the greatest Bungie game ever made." - Leviathan Magazines), so clear your schedules and join some friends or friends-to-be in the chaos! There's nothing like bonding while you get picked off by a BR or surprised to death with dual Maulers.

Leviathan | Mar 4, 2014 12:48 pm | link

Guardian Radio Episode 51


Roland is rolling out (get it?) the next season of Guardian Radio with this one so while I can't listen to it at the moment, I'm sure the news recaps and ensuing discussion will be worth a listen! Direct link to its spot on their site is... here.

Leviathan | Mar 4, 2014 12:40 pm | link

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