Showing results 1 - 25 of 39 matches
Oryx (er... C.G. Barrett, Bungie's Creative Director and maker of pretty things) brought attention to Ryan DeMita, another artist at Bungie, and his blog which has a new post on The Taken King. Go take a gander at some concepts, art for the special editions, and some of the frames done for the new animatics featured in the game.
Eep, almost forgot - Korny stopped in this morning with another of his Exotic concepts. This one's called 'Necromancer's Light', and it's a pair of Warlock Gauntlets that turns a Stormcaller into a serious medic. Pretty cool - check it out and let him know what you think!
DeeJ enjoyed the Community's reaction (and creations) after the Foundries were shared last week, so he decided to share a LOT more art with us. Nineteen of Bungie's incredibly talented artists' online portfolios were posted to show the awesome work they've done (and are doing) for Destiny's design. Go take a look!
Badass Gaming put together a trailer for 'Competitive Race Mode' - I'm loving it. Watch the trailer!
Isaac Hannaford posted another slew of sketches of the Cabal dropship and what ultimately became the final design. Thanks Black Six!
After reviewing The Art of Destiny a few weeks ago, the publisher, Insight Editions, asked if DBO would be interested in doing the same for the Poster Collection and Journal they also publish. Our review tackles the Journal first in part 1, then moves on to the Poster Collection in part 2.
Black Six let us know that Isaac Hannaford updated his blog with some sketches of Cabal fighters and dropships. Neat sketches!
Bungie continues to release some fascinating Ride Along videos, this time covering Mars with Deej, Jason Sussman, and our friend Roland. There's plenty of enlightening conversation on everything Mars-related, Cabal to rocks, as well as some hitherto unseen concept art and early shots that led to the Buried City we now know so well.
Hedge also tweeted about Dorje Bellbrook updating his ArtStation. There's a couple of great early sketches and linework of the Cosmodrome like what you see above, plus there's some fantastic views of how the 'The Last Array' you activate at the end of the Earth story missions came to be. I really like the painted variant in the link.
Thanks to Hedgem0ny doing my work for me, we've got three different artists posting work from Destiny.
If you take a gander at the art book's Amazon page, you'll notice that its release date has been delayed until Feb 10th, 2015. Shucks! Off the Christmas list and onto the birthday list...
Oh, right - DBO. Oops! Anyways, Quirel dropped by the forums a few days ago to point out all the new images at Isaac Hannaford's blog. Mostly more weapon variations, but interesting nonetheless.
And then there's this image... FotC droids scouting Mars? Cut content or an idea still in the barrel? Hmm....
Black Six is keeping us in the loop with Isaac Hannaford's blog, which was updated with a new look at the FOTC Hawk Dropship (which apparently had an interior created for it - now when do we get to see that?).
Black Six let us know that Isaac Hannaford updated his blog with a couple of Destiny gun concept compilations, mostly silhouette work but interesting nonetheless!
Jesse van Dijk, one of the main concept artists behind Destiny, has updated his portfolio with new Destiny pieces. There's some fantastic stuff in there, including some imagery I don't quite recognize, like the Vex Citadel exploding, that may hint at some things to come. But despite all the top-notch skills on display, this fun little piece below is my favorite!
How am I supposed to make a map cooler than that?
Adrian Majkrzak has updated his portfolio site with some new work from Destiny. Items, weapons, armor, and vehicles - oh my!
After a launch of a game, you start to see a lot of concept work that went into its construction finally released into the wild. This gallery by Dorje Bellbrook is full of pieces you've seen and haven't seen and it's a wonder to look through. And of course, there's art depicting places we haven't been - are these what Destiny might have included, or places we may yet go to in the future?
TDSpiral shared a host of Daniel Chavez's work for Destiny that the artist has recently released. Some beautiful and mind-titillating stuff in there! Warning: lots of large images.
CM Roach cobbled together a montage of the animated concept art we've seen sprinkled throughout Bungie videos and set it to some ambient music. Nice way to immerse yourself in the art direction for two minutes. Originally sighted on Reddit by Lord Owen.
"In fact, at times I'm challenged when I look at something on a big screen and I think, 'was that current or next-gen?'" Osborne added.
Eurogamer spoke with Urk about how Destiny looks on current gen and next gen, what the differences are, and if the current gen is left in the dust. What he has to say sounds promising, no matter what console you're gearing towards. Urk even dropped a line on the same subject in our own forum earlier this week!
Just a quick heads-up that we've posted a local copy of our photos from the "Ghosts in the Machine" concept art gallery that opened on Thursday in Seattle.
The "Ghosts in the Machine" show began today, and we're already finding photos of new Destiny concept art around the internet. (The one above comes from the Ltd. Art Gallery twitter page.) Keep your eyes peeled - the exhibit is open until November 3rd!
As seen in some of the articles posted this week, as well as showcased in the Weekly Update yesterday, some new concept art has been dribbling out of our favorite studio. Bungie's concept art gallery has been updated with these, and the gallery actually included a few I had missed, like this one, "Hive Lair".
Looks like our predecessors might have delved too greedily and too deep...There's been a handful of Dave Dunn interviews from the Australian side of game journalism in the last few days. Our local Pony Express rider, Xenos, has so far highlighted two of them in the forums: Gameplanet's "Designing Destiny" and AusGamer's "Interview...". AusGamer also has some concept art/screenshots you may have not seen before in their gallery, like these beauties above and below:
Ooh, this is really cool (and another event that makes me sad I don't live anywhere near Seattle): a coming exhibit at the LTD Gallery in Seattle is going to be full of beautiful art from Bungie. Thanks for pointing it out in our forums, broony!