Search results for tag 'assets'
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Inside Widow's Court

Hedge tweeted of Ethan Scheu's post on his ArtStation regarding an inside look on some of the models and textures that went into making this beautiful new Crucible map for the House of Wolves DLC.
Leviathan | May 28, 2015 01:17 am |
Art Assets from Bungie
When you follow Hedgem0ny on Twitter, you stay in the loop regarding art and Destiny. James Yavorsky updated his ArtStation with some of his character art in Destiny...

...and Dorje Bellbrook has updated his page with work on the Warmind bunker seen in the Dark Below as well as a few other cool shots like below:

Also, Bungie
updated their
artists reference page with some shots of the Queen - so go look!

Leviathan | Apr 20, 2015 09:17 pm |
Beautiful Art from Bungie Craftsmen
Thanks to Hedgem0ny doing my work for me, we've got three different artists posting work from Destiny.

- Mark Van Haitsma has updated his ArtStation with a few different models that he worked on for The Dark Below, in addition to work for the core game.
- As well, Corinne Scrivens has poster her model of the Eris NPC in a few different views.
- And Isaiah Sherman posted a handful of screenshots of the skyboxes he worked on.

Leviathan | Jan 27, 2015 07:56 pm |
Gimme Gimme

noticed something different about the article picture for the
Destiny Character Development article - it's sporting a new Hunter character class screenshot. DeeJ was able to confirm that the screenshot was in fact different and kindly provided a
wallpaper version for your greedy needs. Neat!
colindosaj | Apr 21, 2013 03:50 pm |
A Trained Eye
Bnet user thesharpspoon pointed out a few screenshots of some characters that you may have missed (I know I did) from the GDC Character Development trailer.

colindosaj | Apr 17, 2013 01:38 pm |