
I think you missed my point (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, February 01, 2016, 01:38 (3057 days ago) @ narcogen

I think people keep wanting or expecting some kind of very smooth progression curve from Destiny, and I just don't get where the expectation comes from.

Maybe because people don't want to be wasting their fucking time dude.

Good things that happen in the game are only good in opposition to things that aren't. Winning is sweet because losing is bitter. Getting loot is great because going home empty-handed sucks. Killing things is awesome because dying is a drag.

There is a difference between losing and not progressing because YOU are inadequate, versus when there are design flaws in the game.

If bounties alone were enough to rank up in IB and get good loot, then you could just play without caring about winning or losing, just about the bounty-- which was probably what, kills? Great, more players going for individual stats instead of a team objective. Marvelous.

You are right about this. Bounties have absolutely zero place in competitive multiplayer.

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