
Just to clear things up a bit (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Tuesday, February 02, 2016, 01:19 (3057 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Narcogen, I just wanted to ask a couple questions. You keep mentioning the fact that I'm playing a team game solo, and seem to feel that losing every game for 2 hours is acceptable because of that.

Do you play much crucible? Do you play many other competitive FPS or team-based games?

I am on the opposite side of the world, where I've been for 17 years, more than half of them without anything you'd call broadband, and even now, a 250ms ping is the best I can hope for.

So, no. Because it is not fun under those circumstances. I played enough to get a few of the weapons that required some multiplayer games (exotic sword, first curse) but other than that, I might play a daily match for marks here and there, but that's it.

Losing straight for 2 hours once over a course of a decade of play I still think hardly constitutes a design flaw, and the complaint contributes to the continued pollution of the term. The idea that all win-state multiplayer bounties should be removed in order to cater to this one instance is, I think, an overreaction. The idea that their presence constitutes a design flaw I think is a bit silly. Basically you're asking for a change to be made in the game that would affect all players a little bit in order to prevent it from affecting you, badly, once.

If anything, assuming everything you say is true and applicable, the problem is that matchmaking didn't give you a chance for a win in two hours, not that the bounties also required it. After all, you said yourself, this has never happened before in decades of playing and thousands of hours-- even in other games that also feature Bungie's own matchmaking algorithm that was also prioritizing the same factors-- skill, connection quality-- over matching only teams of equal size and similar composition.

Two hours without a win for a single player across millions of player-hours is simply not statistically significant. Bungie should not be making changes based on data of that kind. Nor, as far as I can tell, do they.

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