
Just to clear things up a bit (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, February 01, 2016, 12:56 (3057 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Narcogen, I just wanted to ask a couple questions. You keep mentioning the fact that I'm playing a team game solo, and seem to feel that losing every game for 2 hours is acceptable because of that.

Do you play much crucible? Do you play many other competitive FPS or team-based games?

I do. I play a ton of them. Halo, Gears, Titanfall, Battlefield... you name it. All of these games feature solo players playing team-based activities, along side groups.

You know what doesn't happen in any of these games? Losing for 2 hours straight. It never happens (to me... small sample pool, but thousands of hours of experience over the past 15 years). These games all feature matchmaking for the explicit purpose of bringing people who don't have full groups together. Matchmaking has a lot to juggle, and I know it will never be perfect, all these games take measures to ensure that solo players can participate and have fun and make progress within their game's economy (if it has one). This is why Bungie introduced challenges in Halo Reach, or why so many games use XP systems for earning gear or upgrades. They WANT solo players to be able to unlock stuff, even though they'll have a tougher time winning than groups.

So I'm not coming in like a lunatic screaming "GIVE ME MAH FUSION RIFLE". I'm pointing out a roadblock caused by a combination of Bungie's bounty design and their matchmaking's failure to find/create even matches.

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