
Well, at least we finally got the Cody mystery solved... (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Monday, October 03, 2016, 13:14 (3065 days ago) @ Korny

The reason some people are finding it "harder" than others is because it is completely dependant on RNG. If you have good luck with drops, great! You'll level up fairly quickly. But if you have bad luck, you're fucked and there's nothing you can do about it except grind longer.

Turns out Cody really did level super slowly, and he really does never get Strange Coins or Motes of Light.

Why? because as he admitted last night, he discards all blue engrams, because apparently he thought that Legendary Engrams were all that mattered, despite us repeatedly telling him that Blues help you get higher-light (including Legendaries!), Strange Coins, materials, and Motes.

I nearly gave myself a concussion from facepalming so hard...
So yeah, Cody really did have to grind three times as much as everyone else to get to the same levels... But it was entirely as a result of his own actions.

So... Maybe I'm missing something here, but how do blue engrams help you post light 340 when they only decrypt to light level 340 max? I mean, aside from weapon & armor parts you get when you shard them and cryptarch rep for decrypting them.

I've been hanging onto the blue engrams & decrypting them just for the rep & parts, but they mostly just add a bunch of housekeeping, as far as I've seen.

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