
Yapok has a blind raid in the works (Destiny)

by Yapok @, Monday, October 03, 2016, 18:44 (3065 days ago) @ Revenant1988

Unfortunately you were the only one to reply to that thread. I suspect that there is not enough DBOrs in that earlier EDT time slot anymore on ps4. I probably will have to look elsewhere to find a full group :(. I can keep quiet on spoilers though naturally if we get your blind raid going.

I've done tons of raiding with Warcraft in my day so ive had my fill of spending all day banging my head against a wall for 6+ hours for 4 days a week for a month trying to figure out and master a raid encounter and lead 20 people doing it. Blind raids are just not my thing anymore when i really just want to experience the content at some point casually and get some of the cool gear. That and i really enjoy watching the race to worlds first on twitch at work ;). I understand whats fun about blind raids and I definitely would not ruin that for you.

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