
Super run-on sentences FTW. (Gaming)

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Friday, August 09, 2013, 10:51 (4175 days ago) @ Jillybean

I wanted to read this post, so I actually went back and finished B:Infinite. I had stopped my first playthrough (on hard) after dying a dozen times trying to beat Lady Comstock (I, admittedly, am not the best at shooters). Up to that point, the game looked good and played okay, and the plot wasn't terrible. So I was mostly enjoying it, but a lot of the fights, for me, were just plain not fun. But after pushing through that boss fight, I keep plugging away, after all this was a Bioshock game, and I rather enjoyed the first (heh) one, ridiculous boss battle with Atlas notwithstanding.

Overall, Infinite let me down. The gameplay was, in some cases literally, nearly six years old and, for me, not much fun. Normally I would enjoy a plot citing factors like Quantum Locking and interdimensionality, in this instance though, I had guessed most of the key plot twists about a third of the way through (unlike the original Bioshock, which I most certainly did not see coming). Lastly that leaves the art and sound design. In all fairness, Infinite looks and sounds pretty darn good, and the only real problem I have with it is that I went and played The Last of Us during that boss hiatus. TLoU is probably the best game I've ever played (that's not hyperbole, I've given it a lot of thought), I enjoyed every facet of that game. So coming back to Infinite, it just felt a little tired and worn down by the time I finished it.

I guess by the time it was all said and done, I'd give Infinite 7 of 10. A good solid entry in the Bioshock franchise, but plagued by boring gunplay and a predictable plot. I probably won't play it again, or at least not for a long time.

This kinda reads funny, but I'm not going to fix it. :P

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