
Spoken like an elite player. (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, September 28, 2017, 09:43 (2453 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

Cruel your a great guy, give lots of good advice and help plenty of people out. You just can't come to terms with how much easier these games are for you than a 'lot' of other people.

Bungie made Destiny Raids for people just like you, not my skill tier. They've been faulted for it by themselves and others and that will continue until they offer different flavours of the Raid. There's no reason why a Raid has to be an unplayable space for 'most' customers.

We have a dedicated (old) group playing Tue. and Fri. for 2 hours each. We managed to open the Castleum door twice. Subsequent stages saw little progress and we aren't even running blind. Our time investment is huge but success is slow to arrive. We would benefit greatly from a non-resetting Raids as well as other performance changes.

There was and is no reason why Destiny Raids couldn't have differing skill flavours. Give better rewards to the Elite versions while letting more people check out the playspace at a more favourable setting.

There are different skill flavors, aren't there?

I may have come across as antagonistic in this thread, but I haven't meant to. I always like playing with you, DEEP. I don't think I'm a better player than you. I think my agreement with Cruel indisputably proves that you do not have to be an elite player to share his opinion about raids. Every single raid has given me moments that made me think I'm not capable of doing what needs to be done. Every single raid has gotten easier over time. I've had plenty of weeks where me and my team have been unable to finish. I've had weeks where we couldn't make it past the first boss. As long as everybody is learning, making distinctions, and enjoying each other's company, I don't mind. That's not to say I don't get frustrated or don't expect others to.

It took 14 hours to beat VoG blind. Maybe that's not something to brag about, and I realize that's beyond the patience threshold of most, perhaps, but it was glorious when we finished. The sense of accomplishment was worth it for me, and wouldn't have been the same had it taken less time. Within a few months it wasn't uncommon for it to take an hour or so, and that provided a different kind of fun.

I know nothing about this raid yet, but I can't imagine it's so different than the previous raids regarding the challenges it presents. I want to be able to say I climbed that mountain, and I don't want it to be a hill instead. I know I won't be the first, and I don't really care if I'm the last, but I want to do what others have done, even if it's harder for me than it was for them.

The real world has challenges that are more challenging for some than others, so why not video games? It's cool. When you say there's no reason why a raid has to be a challenging place for most customers, I say there is, because that's exactly the goal of the raid. That is the nature of what the raid is.

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