
Delete something man. You can’t want those greens that much (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, December 14, 2017, 14:38 (2615 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

1. we shouldn't use promotional material as evidence (Activision is watching) (also, this is a joke)

2. Just because a game has a ton of loot, and you can receive it, doesn't mean the game means for you to store every piece as if it was a trophy.

I personally can't think of a loot based game where I every had the ability to do this. The two I think of off the top of my head is Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3. The only game that was came close was The Witcher 3, where you could display your unique (green) witcher armors. And that took a DLC and even then you couldn't display ALL of the specific witcher armors you could find.

There are at least two websites that keep track of how much of the available armor you have. One even makes it a competition, with leaderboards.

You can say that you don't see the point - but lots of people do.

All I'm saying is that I believe that Bungie doesn't necessarily want the game to be about collecting every piece of armor and every weapon. They want it to be about finding the armor and weapons that you like using and making them your own. I'm not saying that people shouldn't try to find every weapon, because obviously, as you point out with the websites, that people do enjoy doing this.

I would just much rather them spend time fixing other things instead of adding kiosks and balancing a vault space that holds every weapon and armor piece.

*emphasis mine*

Here's where your argument hits a brick wall, care of Bungie's history of messing with the meta. In the early months of D1, I got burned several times by deleting guns I didn't like, only to have Bungie tweak them and turn them into awesome weapons that I would have loved to play with. Ever since then, my approach to weapons in Destiny has been "like it or not, I'd better keep it just in case Bungie decides to make this thing awesome at some point in the future".

That being said, I've been taking a very different approach since I started playing D2 on Xbox a couple weeks ago. I'm deleting new weapons like a mad man. I use my vault to hold on to items that might be useful for infusion purposes, and keep everything else on my character. If a day or two goes by and I haven't used a weapon, I delete it. It's strangely liberating to just not worry about that side of the game at all. I just accept the fact that I will often not have the optimal tools at my disposal for a given situation, and that forces me to get more creative with how I play. I decide which armor to keep based purely on looks, mods and perks be damned. It's a totally different way to play the game, but given how much less exciting most of the guns are in D2 compared to D1, I'm quite enjoying it.

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