
Random rolls, ugh (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, March 30, 2018, 15:19 (2374 days ago) @ Kermit

Both Chris Barrett and Cosmo are saying this is getting a lot of attention. I'm discouraged. I never enjoyed the god roll grind.

Me neither.

I can understand why people want them back though.

Random Rolls would lead to combinations of perks that were fun, effective, and unique. My hope for D2 was always that Bungie would ditch the random rolls (and the grind associated with them) in favour of a selection of weapons that were designed around the kinds of combinations of perks that made the D1 “god roll” weapons so desirable. But instead, the weapons we got in D2 have been largely bland with uninspired perks (with a few exceptions, of course).

And while I disagree with the whole “we need random rolls so that we have gear to chase and a reason to play” outcry coming from Reddit land, that is the exact thought process that Bungie spent 3 years fostering and reinforcing with D1. Every update was built around a new set of gear that was basically the same as the previous set, but with higher numbers attached to it. New activities were always locked behind increasingly higher Light Level caps, making the grind for gear inascapable and unavoidable if you wanted to play all the new content (some people fell much further down that rabbit whole than others, but there was no way around a certain amount of grind).

So it’s really no surprise that a large portion of Destiny’s most vocal fan base really enjoys that kind of game.

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