
Random rolls, ugh (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Saturday, March 31, 2018, 10:55 (2373 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Random Rolls would lead to combinations of perks that were fun, effective, and unique.

I'll agree with the first and second adjectives. I will NOT agree with the third. When you have a huge pool of players, you very quickly determine which rolls are the most effective - 'effective' and 'unique' are actually mutually exclusive. (When a roll is effective, it quickly becomes super-sought-after, and when a roll is unique, it's usually because nobody can use it very well. ;) )

I believe my Purifier VIII had both effective AND unique rolls judging by the amount of questions (and cursing) I got in messages after wrecking with it in PvP.

Heh - that's just as angering now as it was the first time I saw it. :)

(I've never been able to use Fusion Rifles effectively, so it's not something I would have ever tried to get... but I've played against enough of them to know that some of those kills were simply unreasonable. :) )

Ironically, fusion rifles are the only special weapon I find myself consistently getting kills with- at least, after they removed the Shot Package perk. I've always struggled with quickly aligning my sniper shots, and I usually lose shotgun distance-judging competitions.

A mid-range, mid-charge fusion rifle and the Jade Rabbit has been my go-to loadout for well over a year now.

And of course, nothing in the Destiny arsenal has ever been able to match the raw destructive power of the Pocket Infinity...

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