Bungie's reveal: a disservice to Destiny

by GauntMkII, Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 03:40 (4077 days ago) @ Ibeechu

This is pretty much how I've been feeling as well. All of this would be way, way more exciting if I hadn't seen the numerous leaks - details of the setting and story, especially.

As it stands now, I already knew a lot of the info that was revealed this week. It was nice seeing a few clips of gameplay and hearing from the various bungie personalities again, but about half of the vidoc was a (admittedly cool-sounding) voiceover explaining the basic plot that we already know and slow pans over concept art we've already seen.

That's the risks of looking at leaks, I guess. Still, I feel like, if I were at bungie a few months ago, looking at the various leaks, I'd be advocating really vamping up the reveal in response. Put together a gameplay video or something, anything. I'm still very optimistic about the game, but as people have said, that's largely based on my faith in Bungie. Most of the responses I've seen from non-fans has ranged from "Huh, kinda cool I guess" through to "meh" (with a few smatterings of "screw this game!" but that was more due to the lack of a PC option and a certain quote from Jason Jones).

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