Inventory Hell (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Monday, August 04, 2014, 06:05 (3573 days ago) @ RC

You think those 9 spare slots for each item of gear are for nothing? They're so you can customise to the individual mission or even encounter if you want.

That wasn't really exhibited in the beta, but maybe you're right that that'll become more necessary in the later stages of the game. If that's the case, though, I think the UI is going to become a real pain in the arse. I found switching weapons really irritating because it was very hard to remember which weapon had which scope options etc.

How do you think Cody was able to take out the Wizard in a single burst of his Fusion Rifle? Correct damage type

I did the same thing in the Alpha - except with a Solar Rocket Launcher.

It's notable that you're talking about special and heavy weapons here, not your bread and butter primary. I guess we'll see how often a good variety of specials/heavies drop, but the trouble is that asking players to keep these around cluttering up your inventory just in case isn't especially fun either. We shall see.

P.S. ‘You don't 'get' Destiny’? Uncalled for.

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