
Semi-related (raid matchmaking post) (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, August 04, 2014, 12:58 (3572 days ago) @ kapowaz

Blizzard solved this by breaking the matchmade version of each raid into smaller chunks, each lasting 30-45 minutes. You would then queue for that section of the raid, assuming you had unlocked it by already completing the previous chunk. That's a no brainer to me, plus it's far more time-friendly to those who can't commit to a solid 2 hours of gaming without interruption (how many people can, anyway?) - I've been able to experience the developing storyline of the past two WoW expansions without committing to endgame raiding thanks to this.

These are difficult challenges when designing a game like Destiny, but they're also solved problems if you look at the state of the art elsewhere. Maybe there are some other reasons they felt they couldn't do things this way that will only become apparent once you play a raid, but it seems like that might not happen soon for a lot of players.

To be fair, I don't think we know that it doesn't work that way yet. Something one of the devs said in an interview or vidoc recently made me think the Raid(s) were broken up into chunks which could be done progressively. I wish I could remember exactly who and where this was - I didn't know at the time that I'd need to reference it later. And I'm, uh... not really in a position to watch gaming-related videos right this moment. :)

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