Priorities (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 16:07 (3549 days ago) @ Cody Miller

This is kind of surprising. Why would this be even up for discussion? OF COURSE you add custom games. Shouldn't that be the default, given it's hugely popular from Halo and expected?

It's hugely popular, but to play devil's advocate, is it really the core multiplayer experience of the Halo games? Arguably it's actually just one of many cool sandbox features, but the majority of people just play Team Slayer on whatever maps come up in the standard rotation.

I'm not sure how well stuff like Forge fits into the overall vision of Destiny, though; it's kind of a slow-burn activity that a minority do so that a larger number of people can then participate in, but it's not an inherently social sandbox thing (forging) in the same way the majority of the other activities you do in Destiny are. Maybe they just looked at it and thought it was better without?

Where I think this could potentially all get interesting is when/if they decide to release Destiny on PC. If that happened there's always a possibility they could also release Grognok to the general public as a means of expanding your activities in the game. That would certainly be interesting to a lot of people, I'm sure.

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