
Always with the negative waves...

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 10:05 (4375 days ago) @ uberfoop

Let's arbitrarily restrict certain game functions to certain additional and completely unnecessary hardware. While we're at it, why don't we require that you plug a Kinect into your phone to use these features, because this stuff just wouldn't feel right if you didn't manage it with Kinect voice commands on a platform that already has sound inputs.

You realise, of course, that this could also apply to voice chat requiring a headset? It's also reminiscent of the objections to designing for HD/widescreen displays when the 360 first came out...

I play Mass Effect 3 a lot; it has an external iOS-platform minigame that influences the console's campaign playthrough, one that I (having no iOS devices) have never played. It sounds like an interesting minigame, but I don't feel particularly left out nor do I feel that players using it get an unfair advantage because of the way it was implemented. These things can be implemented well or poorly and it's the implementation, not the feature, that would concern me.

-- Steve's pretty confident that Bungie can pull this sort of thing off at least as well as Bioware did.

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