
An idea. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:28 (3600 days ago) @ BeardFade

What if your invitation to the Trials of Osiris or Prison of Elders came in the form of a new weapon? Or piece of armor? Perhaps make it so you must wear or wield it to gain entry. Thus, you get some of the great gear before the event, a chance to use it elsewhere before taking it to the place it was ultimately designed for.

I was thinking more along the lines of tougher, raid like activities that don't drop gear, or perhaps just drop some kind of vanity item or something. Tougher in the sense that you need to utilize all your skills and gear in creative ways, or else you'd be creamed with no chance at all. Oh, so your team has 6 gjallarhorns? That's cute, but that still won't help you!

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