
I think this won't be an issue (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 17:03 (3600 days ago) @ slycrel

As it stands now, I spent ~60 motes to get my timur's lash and jolder's hammer in a place where I thought the perks were "good", and they are not quite perfect.

But the joke is that (in my opinion anyway), there's only a handful or perks that actually matter on such guns. For Timur's, all I was looking for was Field Scout. I got it in about 2 rolls. That's all I cared about on it. Other perks didn't matter so much, and wouldn't make the gun significantly better. Jolder's hammer? Field Scout and perfect balance. Again, very easy to get those two at once. It took only a few rolls.

There are certain guns though, like Felwinter's Lie, that have a beastly combination of specific perks. I'd have tons of mats to roll that with because I don't need to find the 'perfect' roll on other guns.

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