
A Word of Caution (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 19:48 (3599 days ago) @ slycrel

I think, if we can get a group together, we should set up a time to play with crota and see about new strategies. I've never even seen a wizard on hard mode as I was not yet 32 when it came out, so missed the playing around stage.

I wanted to play around a bit during a hard mode run a week or so ago and decided to see if anything happened if you kill the gatekeeper with the sword before hitting Crota. The group agreed to let me try it and, after getting a couple of good hits on him before getting taken out by a single swing of the gatekeeper, someone else picked up the sword and finished him off...at which point I was immediately kicked to the title screen and had to hard boot my Xbox to get Destiny to start again.

I'm not necessarily saying that getting kicked had anything to do with killing the Gatekeeper, but it was an interesting coincidence ;)


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