
My concern (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:32 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

In any case, I think what you really need to do is just take a step back from the "race" to have all your stuff completely upgraded to the new cap and just enjoy running Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders with us.

Believe me, the last thing I want to do is race through a video game.

I don't believe that sentence one bit, and I would be shocked if you did yourself. It doesn't jive at all with your behavior.

You are one of the only people on these forums that ran multiples of the same character class - so that you could race to the level cap. You claim it was only so that you could run the only interesting thing in the game (the raids) -- but I have been raiding just as much as you without resorting to the race/grind.

Your main complaint about things in this game relate to the timed lockouts and other things that prevent you from being able to get through the content as quick as you want to. You maintain that a well-designed game will allow you to get through the content as quick as you want and then you can put it down and move onto something else.

You may not enjoy being a "speedrunner" anymore, but anyone here can see that one of the main reasons you get frustrated with this game is because you burn out quickly. You "beat" the game on day one (because you went out of your way to find a store that would break street date and so you got started on the game a day or two early); you hit 30 a week before most of the rest of us - because you ran multiples of the same class and jumped in LFG groups all the time because you weren't patient enough to run the raids with us at our normal playtimes.

Obviously, you have some other major concerns with the game that are not "race" related, but more "investment system" related (and I'm not saying those concerns are without merit) - but you can't honestly claim that you don't race through the content and burn out on it quicker than you would if you just tweaked your play style just a little.

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