
I think this won't be an issue (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:57 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You will run out of mats, or have to commit to 1-2 guns being "perfect". Looks like they are adding a ton of new perks and this will, statistically, make it far less likely you will be able to get the perfect roll with a reasonable amount of mats.

As it stands now, I spent ~60 motes to get my timur's lash and jolder's hammer in a place where I thought the perks were "good", and they are not quite perfect. I've spent probably another 40 or so on my gheleon's demise which I plan on rerolling next week, and efreedeet's spear sunk another 25 or so (I got what I wanted fairly quickly which was nice). I think this will be more of a customizability thing, rather than an OP thing.

After all, you get random perks flying all over right now. You will, as a player, just have a little more control.

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