
The Vault Problem (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, May 16, 2015, 17:35 (3420 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Vault space is going to be a huge issue.

We are getting a ton more exotic and legendary weapons with HoW. Our old ones will be useful due to ascending. There already isn't enough vault space to hold the exotics (and I do not keep duplicates). Either I will have to throw out some weapons I like, or else just not use any new stuff.

What if you want to make a new character? If I want to make a Titan, that means I must delete a hunter, who is carrying stuff because there's not enough space. All that loot goes away. It just gets worse with time.

This needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. What do we do down the line with the next 2 expansions and comet? The increase we got before is not anywhere near enough.

I totally agree that more space is needed, but I suspect it won't be as bad as we might fear. Thinking back to when Dark Below dropped, I scrapped A LOT of weapons. Yes, there was the jump from 300 to 331, but there's more to it than that for some of us.

Personally, I have a lot of weapons in my arsenal that I barely use, but I hang on to them because I like each of my characters to have a relatively complete range of weapon types and elemental types at their disposal. So I have a lot of Void and Arc rocket launchers and machine guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles taking up space. I'm not married to any of them, but I keep them just so I have something that fills that role.

As I start to get new HoW weapons, the first thing I will do is delete some of these old rarely-used specialty weapons to make room.

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