Can Confirm: Abyss Defiant melts majors now (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 12:00 (3419 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I have to assume the Hive Disruptor fix isn't working as intended, because Abyss Defiant does as much ectra damage per shot as Black Hammer - 204. Except much, much faster, obviously. If you have it set to Hip Fire rather than (the weirdly reduced DpS) Focus Fire, you do 2040 bonus damage per second (Against Lvl 32 Hive).

Assuming you're landing headshots, your total DpS against the 32 majors at Ir Yut goes up to about 3750 iirc. That's about the same as Black Hammer with Hive Disruptor. Not bad for a high RoF auto rifle.

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