
The Vault Problem (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, May 16, 2015, 21:05 (3326 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

As I start to get new HoW weapons, the first thing I will do is delete some of these old rarely-used specialty weapons to make room.

Well, but you never know which of those is useful now, with the changing activities. Especially given that you can ascend, I have no doubt I've thrown away a lot of great weapons. I had a Zombie Apocalypse of each type. Gone. I really really wish I had those back.

I hear you, and I feel the same way about a lot of the gear I've deleted, but I think we might be getting a bit sentimental over lost gear that we would actually never use. I have 92 legendary and exotic weapons, and 90% of the time I'm rolling with Fatebringer+Black Hammer+Gjallarhorn. I could easily scrap 60 weapons and still have more than enough to enjoy the game :-/

I will grant I use some weapons way more than others. However, how many pulse rifles did you throw out before they got buffed? I sharded my first Thorn because it sucked. You hang on to your stuff because tomorrow it could be great, and I can't predict what Bungie will change!

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