That's a good point too. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Saturday, May 16, 2015, 18:07 (3318 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I think the vast majority of players would rather have a new end-game activity. Or ToO. I wouldn't say that is a problem at all, it is just Bungie catering to their audience. Not to you.

It can be easy to forget that the majority of Destiny players are nowhere close to running out of space. Some of us here on DBO are the very definition of an "edge case" :)

I'm pretty sure that's the part that Cody forgets most of the time. ;)

I'm probably an edge case myself (in terms of hours played, goodies stored, etc) and I have less than half of what he has. For 99+% of Destiny players, this is NOT an issue.

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