
That's horrible. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, May 18, 2015, 01:28 (3317 days ago) @ narcogen

I know! Think of the horror of a world in which everybody has a collection of guns that is different from everyone else's because it was created by tough personal choices the game forced them to make, instead of everyone just playing Pokemon and collecting them all?

I'm not sure you understand my point.

I cannot make "tough personal choices" because I have no idea what challenges lie ahead in the future expansions, and thus don't know which guns will be good or fun to use. Likewise, I do not know what Bungie will decide to do with the weapon balance, so I don't know what will be good in the future.

Having no information, I can't make long term choices. Thus, keeping a lot of stuff.

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