
That's horrible. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, May 18, 2015, 17:00 (3418 days ago) @ narcogen

I know! Think of the horror of a world in which everybody has a collection of guns that is different from everyone else's because it was created by tough personal choices the game forced them to make, instead of everyone just playing Pokemon and collecting them all?

I'm not sure you understand my point.

I cannot make "tough personal choices" because I have no idea what challenges lie ahead in the future expansions,

Yes, you can. You're saying you won't because you cannot min-max it in advance.

That is what MAKES it a tough choice. It is about your personal preference.

Frankly I'm more interested in choosing a selection of weapons that fits the kind of player I am and the kind of Guardian my characters are, rather than what's "best" because "best" in your terms boils down to DPS which boils down to collecting the most mcguffins in the least time, which I generally don't care about.

But hey, at least one of us is having fun, right?

And what of experimentation? Do you want to throw out a good weapon just to experiment with one you think you might like? If guns weren't acquired randomly, none of this would be a problem at all.

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