
Tales from the Lighthouse - Part 2 (Vids & Pics) (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 15:51 (3520 days ago)


Had another exciting couple of runs through the Trials of Osiris last night with Cyber and Cody. Our first run (as a group of 3 Striker Titans) was going great until the very end. We made it to 8 wins without using our Mercy buff, then went up against 2 brutally tough teams in a row and lost both games. We turned in our tickets, swapped characters (this time running with 2 sunsingers and a bladedancer) and went back in. Our 2nd run was exhausting: game after game against highly skilled teams, many going to 5-3 or 5-4 scores. But we plowed through and finished with 7 straight wins to earn our passage to the lighthouse. I was equal parts drained and exhilarated by the end.

A few highlights:

Comeback of the night

We started this game by losing 3 straight rounds, but battled back to score a 5-4 win. Lots of great back-and-forth skirmishes in this one.

David(s) vs Goliath

This was another close game (we end up winning 5-4), but what makes this one stand out is the dynamic of our enemy team. 2 so-so players and 1 unstoppable monster (he was on a 10 kill streak by round 3). We had to focus as much as possible on shutting him down without ignoring his 2 teammates.

Nail in the Coffin

Our final game of the night was a fairly decisive victory, but was not without its share of close calls. Some sweet bladedancer-on-bladedancer action, plus Cyber and Cody's dual self-res to save the heavy round.

To celebrate, the 3 of us went to the Lighthouse, claimed our loot (solar Messenger... YAY!) and spent some time exploring. We managed to get into a few areas I had never seen before, so I grabbed a bunch of screenshots. Hope you like them!








If anyone wants the 1920x1080 versions of these screenshots, I've posted them here.

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