
Oh yeah, The Scholar is better, too. I forgot. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 11:47 (3519 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

But definitely the hand cannon and auto rifle are much better than the Trials version of the primaries for the normal game, and it's not close.

Scout rifle yes, Messenger yes.

The scout rifle's basically only worthwhile if it's a void one though, since it's completely outclassed by the other two raid ones. And even then, Word of Crota, in my opinion, beats it at every point. This is because the only time you really want a void gun is on vex missions, and explosive rounds do a massive damage bonus to vex.

But, I will concede that it is better than the Wolves' Leash which is shit.

But the Jewel of Osiris, as much as I love 3rd eye, always goes in the back pocket when I can use VoC. And if I didn't have that, the solar PoE handcannon with a larger mag and decent perks would be my choice. If it's void, again, I'd take WoC. If it's arc, obviously fatebringer.

The auto rifle has crowd control and field scout, which blows The Summoner out of the water. It's also top of the line for all elements since our elemental auto rifles are complete shit. Summoner, if you don't have the PoE gun, is still good only because the other guns are awful.

And honestly, The adept Messenger is also outclassed unless in void in my opinion. Fang, Fatebringer, and Oversoul beat it in normal play (though you will still catch me using my arc Messenger sometimes), and for solar, vision of confluence is basically unbeatable.

Anyway, I'm just saying they're not good, if, like Ragashingo, you've got a large enough collection of elemental primaries.

All of that said, Tomorrow's Answer is the best non exotic rocket launcher in the game out of the box, the machine gun is amazing for no field scout and technically Eye of Sol is fantastic, though I don't like to use it. It's just that the elemental primaries from this expansion aren't that good, IMO. They're almost always on the bench for me.

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