
On Self Res (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 16:10 (3520 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Our final game of the night was a fairly decisive victory, but was not without its share of close calls. Some sweet bladedancer-on-bladedancer action, plus Cyber and Cody's dual self-res to save the heavy round.

I always see enemy teams self res at the end of the round whenever someone is going to do it. I had a lot of success last night doing it DURING the round. Nobody expects it, and if someone is camping your orb, you can res, take them out, and turn the tide quickly. We always expect a self res at the end of a round, and are usually ready for it. Sometimes being surprising is better than trying to salvage a round without using it.

There were definitely some unusual and interesting team compositions during this ticket… for instance a titan running pocket infinity. He would have owned, had we not been shutting their team down. Since you can get new special after every round (if you win), I am actually surprised nobody has tried this before. High risk for sure, but potentially a good payoff, especially on smaller maps.

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