
My findings (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 19:32 (3520 days ago) @ TheeChaos

The worst part is there is little to NO incentive to try if you dont think youll make it.

First of all, you can get decent rewards without going all the way to the top; I got a Mida Multitool from the 5-win package. But overall, you're totally right: ToO saves the big rewards for the top winners. But I think that's a key part of what makes ToO something special and different. Every other PvP mode in Destiny rewards players no matter what. Winning in crucible or Iron Banner speeds up your progress a little, but you can lose every single game and still earn great rewards. And that's cool. I'm glad most of the game works that way.

But Trials of Osiris is a truly competitive mode. Everything is riding on your ability to win. The top level rewards from ToO are by far the best in the game, and rightfully so. Going flawless is Destiny's greatest challenge. It's the intensity of the competition and the prizes at stake that make winning so thrilling.

I think ToO is clearly a mode that has limited appeal. Not everyone finds that kind of pressure fun. But I also think anything that makes ToO more forgiving would dilute what it is.

If anything, I think it's a shame that there isn't a PvE equivalent. It should be level 35 PoE, but that activity feels more cheap than challenging (with the exception of a couple of the bosses), and the rewards pretty much suck. There's definitely a void there that needs to be filled.

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